School Support: Speech and Language Therapy
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What do Speech and Language Therapists Do?
When looking into getting help for a child, it can be difficult to know who to approach for advice. It can be hard to identify what the problem is, which makes it harder still to..
Is My Child Developmentally Behind?
As parents, life is full of worries about our children. When they're babies, we worry when they don’t seem to stop crying and whether they are getting enough milk. As they get..
Support your Child's Development with Joint Attention
You hear a sound in the distance and point as you say "look, a train!", whilst waiting for your child to look and follow your line of focus. When blowing bubbles, you and your..
A Teacher's Guide to Supporting Pupils with Auditory Memory Problems
Auditory memory difficulties can have a significant impact on a pupil's education. This is often because auditory memory plays an important role in language processing and other..
Perfectionism: A Parents' Guide
Does your child struggle to cope with failure, or get really upset when things don’t go their way? Do they cope at school but have outbursts at home which are difficult to get to..
My child mispronounces words – how can I help them?
Speech disorders affect a child’s ability to make themselves understood. Speech and Language Therapists refer to this as their intelligibility. We expect a typically developing..
How to make speech and language homework fun
Home exercises for speech and language development can be a great way to help your child get the practice they need to improve their communication skills. Not only will they help..
Top tips to help children develop their speech and language at home
Last year was challenging to say the least. Everyone has been affected by the devastating results of the pandemic, including our children.
Top-tips to start using Makaton signing in your classroom
As a speech and language therapist and qualified early years teacher, if I were to choose a communication tool that enhanced the learning environment for all children, it would be..