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School Support

Mable's expert clinicians share their views and advice for teachers on the world of children's mental health and communication.

5 Ways to Support Your Child With Anxiety

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Modelling Positive Behaviour: A Parent's Guide

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Anxiety and Hyperactivity: A Teacher's Guide

Mental health, how we think, feel and regulate our emotions, is something that we all have. Just like our physical health, mental health is something that can deteriorate at..

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Tackling Back to School Anxiety

Hands up who felt anxious when it was time to go back to school following the summer break? Yeah, me too… The worries could vary from which class I was going into; to who I would..

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Moving to a New School: Supporting Your Child's Mental Health

The experience of starting a new school can spark a whole host of feelings for children. For some the prospect of change leads to excitement and curiosity, for others it can mean..

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Helping your Child to Build their Confidence

Confidence can be an important part of a child’s ability to handle challenges, peer pressure, responsibility and their emotions. It's intrinsically linked to self esteem and..

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Early Years Mental Health: Part Two - The Social Brain!

In part one we looked at how to nurture relationships that will promote emotional development in your educational setting. This time, we're looking at how our brains are primed to..

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Supporting Exam Stress

Exam season is stressful for everyone. Teachers are under pressure to meet targets, parents feel anxious knowing the role exams can play in future success, and for the young..

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