Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding Statement
- Mable Therapy aims to support Children, Young People, and vulnerable Adults (CYP/VA) who are facing challenges or experiencing difficulties to ensure they get the help they need when they need it.
- Our Safeguarding Policy sets out our overall position, while the Child Protection Procedures set out practical application and guidance for all Mable Therapy employees and Associates that they must consider in particular situations or where concern is raised.
- Our organisational system of safeguarding comprises more than policy and procedure. Safer recruitment, code of conduct, induction process, supervision and training are integral to ensuring the workforce is suitable and has essential safeguarding knowledge and skills.
- All Mable Therapy employees and associates must read and fully understand the CP/Safeguarding policy on appointment or engagement and always prior to undertaking work with any CYP/VA.
- Together, we operate a safeguarding aware culture.
- The Safeguarding Team will consult with Mable Therapy employees and Associates regarding changes to the Policy and CP procedures annually or when relevant legislation changes.
- It is essential to understand that Mable Therapy is not a crisis service.
- You can download the full Mable Therapy Safeguarding policy below

Download the Mable Safeguarding Policy
The Mable Therapy Safeguarding Policy outlines procedures to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, detailing responsibilities, reporting guidelines, and legal compliance for all staff and associates.
DownloadContact us
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