Our Services
Complex Bereavement
Mental Health
Complex Bereavement Pathway
Complex bereavement is when overwhelming grief or loss leaves us unable to regulate our emotions and resume our normal lives over a long period of time. This can be especially difficult for young people, who lack the experience needed to accept their loss and see a future beyond it.
On this pathway, our counsellor will support the young person to regulate their emotions, as well as understand and process their grief. Their grief will feel more manageable, enabling them to re-engage with their everyday life.
Length of treatment
12 sessions delivered weekly
None required
Referral Criteria
Struggling to process a bereavement after a prolonged period of time
Struggling with emotional regulation (due to bereavement) over a prolonged period of time
A loved one died in traumatic circumstances
Struggling to overcome a loss of another kind after a prolonged period (eg: sudden family breakdown, estrangement a parent)
What we will work on
Validate the student’s loss and give them space to explore it
Psycho-educate the student on the stages of grief and their response
Process unresolved feelings around the loss
Enable the student to accept future changes caused by the loss
Enable the student to envisage their future without the loved one
What we want to accomplish
Lower anxiety levels (as measured on YP Core 10)
Improved mood and energy levels
More able to understand and regulate emotions
Able to accept the loss and envisage their future self